All talks take place in UGA’s Zell Miller Learning Center, room 171 on the first floor (left side).
Friday, October 17
3:30-4:30 | Registration and refreshments |
4:30-5:20 | Jun-Muk Hwang: Cartan-Fubini type extension of holomorphic maps preserving webs of rational curves |
Saturday, October 18
9:00-9:50 | Robert Lazarsfeld: Syzygies and gonality of algebraic curves |
Coffee break | |
10:10-11:00 | Diane Maclagan: Tropical schemes |
Coffee break | |
11:20-12:10 | Davesh Maulik: Refined Donaldson-Thomas Theory |
12:10-2:10 | Lunch break and Reimbursements. Lunch options:
2:10-3:00 | Mircea Mustaţă: The Decomposition Theorem for toric maps |
3:20-4:10 | Ana-Maria Castravet: Birational geometry of moduli spaces of stable rational curves |
5:00-6:30 | A shuttle bus will be making trips from the hotels to State Botanical Garden of Georgia. The pick up locations are 1) Thomas Street in front of Hilton Garden Inn, and then 2) Hull Street on the side of Holiday Inn. |
6:30 | Reception at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia, Terrace Room. |
8:00-10:00 | A shuttle bus will be making trips back to Hilton Garden Inn and Holiday Inn |
Sunday, October 19
Please beware the Athens Half Marathon. Driving around Athens may be difficult. For pedestrians, crossing the marathon running course should be easier, but allow some extra time. Here is the map of the course.
9:00-9:50 | Christopher Hacon: On the boundedness of the functor of KSBA stable varieties |
Coffee break | |
10:10-11:00 | Karl Schwede: Inversion of adjunction for rational and Du Bois pairs |
Coffee break | |
11:20-12:10 | Chenyang Xu: Nonexistence of asymptotical GIT compactification |